Sky Settlement by Poppet

A little town in the sky.


10 September, 2024 - 21:04

Love these super cozy theme hideouts you're creating, keep it up!

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Hideout version: 1.0
Total decorations: 113
Uses MTX: No

Decoration name MTX Count
Alva No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Dannig, Warrior Skald No 1
Einhar No 1
Guild Stash No 1
Gwennen, the Gambler No 1
Helena No 1
Horticrafting Station No 1
Jun No 1
Kirac No 1
Map Device No 1
Niko No 1
Rog, the Dealer No 1
Sister Cassia No 1
Stash No 1
Tujen, the Haggler No 1
Waypoint No 1
Expedition Locker No 1
Heist Locker No 1
Torch No 8
Stone Well No 1
Church Wall No 3
Church Wall Gate No 1
Ruined Banner No 1
Thick Trees No 13
Animal Cage No 1
Buckets No 1
Forest Flowers No 6
Menagerie Bucket No 2
Ramshackle Ladder No 1
Grass Patch No 7
Garden Path No 3
Menagerie Food Tray No 2
The Last to Die No 1
Rock Formation No 1
Faustus, the Financier No 1
Johan, the King's Hand No 1
Lilly Roth No 1
Den Large Rock No 2
Den Small Rock No 1
Sewer Moss No 9
Dirt Ground No 4
Clay Bucket No 1
Iron Lantern No 4
Stone Pieces No 4
Wooden Post No 2
Slum Building No 2
Wooden Planks No 4
Oriath Army Barrel No 1
Oriath Lantern No 1
Wooden Bucket No 1
Sky Shrine Rubble No 1
Latest version: 1.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
1.0 No 2024-09-10 20:08:21 340,462 113 81 Download

1.0 | 10 Sep 2024 - 20:08

Initial release